Administrator and server requirements
If you're creating a multisite network, you'll need to be an administrator of your WordPress installation, and you'll usually need access to the server's filesystem so you can edit files and develop directories.
As an administrator, you don't need any programming knowledge about WordPress development, PHP, HTML, CSS, server administration, or system administration, even though such technical knowledge is useful for post-installation troubleshooting or customizing a multisite network location. If you want to have a professional multisite experience that requires professional programming skills, you need to hire an agency.
When you want to build a multisite network, it can be very beneficial for each participant to know exactly what their expectations are and which technology each will use to meet the following requirements:
Make sure you have the proper hosting.
Sync your weekly/monthly visitor expectations with the host.
Use a powerful CDN system to check if the hosts have perfect SSDs and if they support different locations/bandwidths.
Also, some server requirements depend on the type of multisite network you are developing:
Domain-based networks are also known as "subdomain" networks, and they use URLs such as
Domain-based networking arranges various domain names in the same directory on the server's filesystem where WordPress is installed. This can be performed in different ways:
By setting wildcard subdomains.
By configuring virtual hosts, predetermine the Latest Mailing Database same document root directory for each host.
By developing addon domains or subdomains.
On-demand-based sites require a wildcard subdomain approach. Additional sites can be created manually using other methods.
path based
Path-based multisite installations are also known as "subfolder" installations, and use URLs such as
If you use good permalinks on your WordPress site, then path-based networking will work just fine. However, you need to be aware that your main site will use the following URL structure for posts:
3. Start Multisite Properly
If you plan to run a multisite network, you need to have everything you need to properly start multisite, more specifically:
Make sure you have a business plan
With a multisite network, your business has enormous potential for success as you or your clients can add any number of sites to the network with just one WordPress installation. If you want to start a business powered by multiple sites, you must know each step and choice from the start.
Make sure that the reasons for using the network and what the network's exact role is at each stage of growth are fully explained in the business plan. Be realistic about your target market. If you find a niche that you can cover with a multisite network, go for it.