In the current environment, we can obtain a lot of information through the Internet, which not only expands our understanding of the world, but also enriches our brains category email list in our spare time. In the era of massive amounts of information, how do we identify which are useful and which are useless? How to turn information into knowledge? Improve your knowledge management system? 1. "Low-level diligence trap" If the amount of information obtained is too much, there category email list will be a disadvantage to us: In terms of the general environment, if we do not analyze whether the information obtained is right or wrong, then we are easily confused by phenomena and easily deceived.
On a personal level, it’s easy to get anxious if we don’t identify if this information is what I need! For example: I saw some self-media articles category email list before that you need to manage money. Money management can keep and increase the value of assets. If you don't category email list manage money, you will... Then this involves the influence of a "herd mentality". Everyone is managing money, so I have to do my money! Of course, I'm not talking about poor financial management, but we can't do financial management blindly and without making any judgments! Therefore, we need to identify which information is useful and valuable to us in time, and then turn it into our knowledge.
In fact, we have many learning channels, such as: listening to books, paying for knowledge, public accounts, etc... The advantage of these category email list channels is that they are suitable for people who do not have a lot of time and energy, but want to learn and improve category email list themselves; the disadvantage is that the content is too rational and simple, and there is a lack of practical exploration. For example: I wanted to tell everyone in a class before that we should not think about problems according to the inherent thinking, we should think outside the circle and think if there is a better way. At this point, I wanted to share with them an article I read about "reversing thinking", but what I shared was clueless and illogical.